Safety Programme
Our Safety Programme is open to anyone who has experienced, or is experiencing, family or intimate partner violence.
We start all programmes by doing a thorough assessment so we can identify strengths, supports and any areas where we may be able to build skills or added safety - it is important for your counsellor to understand the current needs and risks.
Some of the program content you may then cover with your counsellor is:
Understanding the cycle of violence
Abuse and its impacts
Risk assessment
Safety planning and supports
Abusive behaviours checklist
How to recognise the patterns of abusive attitudes and behaviours
Understanding how beliefs and values can shape choices
Communication skills
Parenting responsibly and safely
Setting boundaries; and more
It can help to be aware of the DANGER SIGNS. If your partner is doing any of these things, it is a good idea to speak to a professional.
Physically hurts you
Controls or monitors you
Makes you do what they say
Threatens to harm or kill you
Threatens children, someone else, or pets
Goes through your phone, email, social media
Puts their hands around you neck, or otherwise impedes your breathing
Scares you with words and/or actions
Calls you names, degrades or humiliates you
Breaks or destroys your belongings, or your home
Stalks you or intimidates you
Withholds affection or controls finances as a way to manage or control you
Stops, or makes it hard for you, to see your friends and family.
It’s serious, don’t ignore or justify abusive behaviours - GET HELP!
Call 111 if you are currently at risk, or click the button below to reach out to a counsellor.